Baseball Camp - Sore No More
What a week it has been! I made a decision a few months back to go to Baseball Camp.
The crack of the bat, the smell of the grass, the roar of the crowd. Baseball has been very, very good to me. It has always been my escape from reality.
No matter how my day went as a child, I could not wait for my Dad to come home from work and play catch. It is a memory that I will always cherish.
As you know Baseball has a long and storied history.
Will I go to a lot of games this season? No! Put on the TV and watch hours of the game I love, No! Go online and spend 10 minutes a day finding out how my beloved New York Mets are doing? Yes, I will!
Having been told my entire life that I never really grew up! Which is true in some ways. I would rather participate and play. Playing real baseball with wood bats, on a field competing with my peers is something that I have always enjoyed and I am not ready to retire from the game I love. I began playing is 1979 and somehow someway, I am playing in my 5th decade. I know most people my age have stopped playing years ago. In fact, my own mother was hoping I would have finished playing baseball 15 years ago. Sorry Mom, not going to happen.
Every Baseball season brings new hope and championship aspirations to every
Little league, Babe Ruth League, Cal Ripken League, High School, College, Semi-Pro, and Professional Team.
For me, it is the opportunity to play a game that my grandfather played at a high level and to be part of a team of guys who just love the game!
As a child, I went a few times and had the time of my life. This time it was a lot different.
The Camp is really a Baseball Tournament with people from all around the world competing. There are 8 teams each one with 14-15 players. Players must be at least
30 years old to participate. With 130 players, there are lots and lots of personalities.
It is called the Championship Series played in Tampa, Florida.
All games take place at the New York Yankees Spring Training Facility. While not a Yankee fan, I admit that everything is first class.
- Every Player gets his own Suite
- We use the New York Yankees Clubhouse
- They do our Laundry
- The use of the Training Room-Trainers
- Professional Batting Cages
- Major League Coaches
- Shuttle Service around town
- Professional Uniforms
Players are on teams that they are a fan of and everyone has played before and most play baseball in the summer.
Yankees, Red Sox, Mets, Phillies, Pirates, Twins-Yankees, and Mets have two teams. I am playing for Mets Team.
My concerns as I am sure you can imagine center around health. Playing 6 games in 3 days with a practice the day before is not something I do, nor do any of the guys.
Recovery is such a key to getting through this kind of event. One can do all the exercise, rehabilitation routines, weight room workouts, etc.
It is virtually impossible not be sore. Remember Baseball is a sport that goes from a stop, sprint, stop for 99% of the game-bat, run, stop, Fielding-stand still and then make a play and stop gain. Hamstring pulls, rotator cuff tears, knee and hip issues are commonplace.
Having played Baseball for 35 seasons, I have seen a lot on and off the field. Baseball players are known for lots alcohol drinking, coffee consumption, tobacco use and late nights. I know much of our society is guilty of the same.
I knew that I would have to have a game plan to recover which I do.
*Warm –up before every game, jogging, drills, hitting, fielding-not too much
as not to wear out.
- Kinesiology tape on areas of my body that will be sore
- Ice packs after games
- 50 degree Jacuzzi after games
- Drinking lots of water
- Bananas and Apples during games
- Bring my own lunch and breakfast from Wholefoods
Soda, alcohol (post game), Gatorade, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are what the New York Yankees provide for all players and coaches-All contribute to an acidic body and decrease in recovery
Every morning -6am-Aqua-Jog in pool
- Am I sore right now? Yes
- Fatigued? Yes
- Did I overdo it by playing every inning? Yes
- Will I recover? Yes
- Having Fun? Yes
- Lots of Laughs? Yes
- Medicine Over the Counter? No
- Prescription Medicine? No
If you play sports (Have Children or Grandchildren that play), there is no reason not be healthy. If others do not that is their choice. Be a leader, not a follower! Live a Long Healthy Life!
When are you going the make a commitment to your health?Is health not about weight loss? A quick cleanse or transformation. It takes work! Is it worth an early death sentence? My goal is to have you live as long and healthy as possible! How does that look to you?